Wednesday, October 7, 2009


as i was driving back home from work yesterday, i was thinking of my sister in law who is now expecting her first baby.

the train of thought went like this...where would she deliver...when my mum would be able to see the baby...since they are in sabah, how often would my mum be with the baby...when my other sister in law was about to deliver, my mum was there right away to see the baby....when i delivered nadia nasira, my mum arrived and was waiting outside the labour room with my mother in law, sister in law and two of my brother smsed me the moment he saw her....for muhammad nashwan nasr, she came with my brother after he was born....they asked where was the baby and i had to the brother's face changed...he came to visit again with his arwah father in law on the night the paed said my son was very critical and almost lost it and badly needed the nitric oxide machine to help soften his lungs...him having to be transferred to gleaneagles where the machine is mum stayed i pumped breast milk and both my husband and sister in law sent the milk to the hospital...

as i flash back the moments above, tears started pouring...i didn't cry that much then but yesterday, i had a good cry over what i went through...i also thought of how grateful i am to my employer who bore all the medical expenses for my children. how grateful i am to my father who had educated me and to the AlMighty Allah for choosing them as my employer.

i am glad that i had been strong then and it is the memory which is still painful. i arrived at my MIL with the dried tears...both my children were in the garden with their daddy...they came to the gate to greet me. my daughter said mummy, mummy...while my son gave me the heart melting smile. i have so much to thankful for.

many thanks to the AlMighty Allah that both my children are fine... may His protection and blessings be upon them all the time.

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