Wednesday, October 28, 2009

life after loss

recently, i came across a blog that moved my heart so much. it is about a woman whose life changed so much emotionally as she goes through a painful journey of attaining motherhood. she did manage to conceive but lost the babies, not one or two but three in 2 pregnancies. She finally delivered twins in her third pregnancy at about 27 weeks. while the twins are stabilizing in the NICU, the memory of her other children lives on in this woman. reading her journey to where she is now in itself is filled with so much grieve. i count my blessings for every moment of motherhood that God has blessed me with.

here is the link

through my blog hopping, i realised that there are so many women around the world who suffer from infertility (either them or their spouse) yearning to be mothers. they opt for IUI or IVF, etc. the journey they take can be so stressful and filled with pain and frustration and not forgetting happier ones for some couples. many a times the journey become successful (God bless them) but their journey is nonetheless stressful. some of them go through the processes over and over again and along the way, they suffer some losses before finally see light at the end of the tunnel. some of them deliver full term or close to full term but something very wrong happens that they can do nothing to stop their babies from going to heavens.

this posting is a tribute to all those mothers out there who had suffered pain and loss. my heart goes out to all of you and may God bless you all.

i couldn't help but to say a few words of comfort to this woman and here's what i said....

greeneyes said...
Dear Michele.... i came across your blog and i decided to read them from the beginning.... my whole heart went out to you from the very beginning to this moment. there are so much i want to say to you that i dont know where to begin. i sincerely hope that i am able to say all the right things.

congratulations on your wonderful twins. you and your children are trully blessed and so deserve each other. may all of you be blessed with health, wealth, lots of love and happiness that would last for an eternity. your are the best parents your children can have and for all that you have gone through, GOD bless your family.

whatever challenges that you are facing, take them as they come with calmness. don't push yourself too wont be able to enjoy the moments of your parenthood. i was stressed with my firstborn so much that i wasn't able to be a mother properly. i wasn't successful at breastfeeding and there were not much support available. i breastfed partially only and by the time i became level headed, it was close to 3 months later. the system didnt start off right and i ended up only breastfeeding for 6 months. it was rather different with my second baby (who was prematured 1 month due to Strep B with lung infection and stayed in NICU for 3 weeks), i was able to breastfeed till about a year. take it easy, do the best you can and the best is not as what you expected, it is ok, enjoy the moments while you can coz they grow up so fast.

for breastfeeding, drink lots and lots and lots of water, pump as often while keeping them latched, do take Domperidone after consulting a doctor. i did for my son, the best of doctors prescribed it and it did wonders but dont depend solely on it. it is part of the effort to increase milk. take the herbs as well. even if you are able to breastfeed 70%, it is so much better than none at all. 100% would be great, though but shouldnt matter as the package you already have is great. Read the book "what to expect" series, such a help to me. Happy parenting.

i am sorry about your other babies. rest assured that they are in the heavens playing with other children and GOD while waiting to be re-united with their parents. they are with the angels. let them be darling. dont carry the sorrow of losing them for a lifetime. look forward to your life in this world knowing that you will meet them one day.

with lots of love,

and the other blog that had touched me is there are many more and as i read them, tears spring in my eyes and i can never contain them. as i write this, tears are rolling down my eyes as i remembered my moments when i almost lost both my babies with a gap of 3 weeks. I felt the love of Allah when He returned my children to me, twice. for that and everything else, thank you Allah. Please ease the pain of all those mothers who had to endure the pain of losing their babies and those who continue to touch my heart. Show them your Mercy and Love. Please give them HOPE.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post... Thank you so much for your words.


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