Saturday, June 9, 2012

my lil footballers...

my dear son... who else? muhammad nashwan nasr lah... he loves to kick the ball... since he was very little... and he is left footed... and he is special... i pray nothing but the best to my lil tiger... my own harimau malaya...

my cousin trains lil boys to play football.  looking at my son's enthusiasm to play football, we took him to meet my cousin who was such a darling to my children... darling daddy wakes up in the wee hours and drive us all there... it is such a lovely saturday morning activity for the family...

apparently, my son is an introvert.... he gets nervous with new environment. he refused to get on the field when he saw many strangers as well as many bigger boys...  the case would have been different if he had known these people over a period of time... he is always the hero when my brother's boys are around though they are bigger boys.  of course, he held on to his mummy... nowhere in the world is the safest except for wherever mummy is... we should have known his personality and should have respected that.  well, it took a while before he got adjusted to his school... i remembered the teacher told me that he would go to just anybody and say nak mummy... it tears my heart even now. and now, he is a happy boy at shcool...

i guess being his mummy, God has given me the instinct on how to handle him... i know he needs lots of time and encouragement... i know it will take weeks before he actually runs into the field without hessitation.  with my boy, all you need to do is give him time and encouragement... with positive attitude, i know he will excel in everything he does... you just need to build his confidence through encouragement.... i have seen this when he first started school and today, he actually enjoys school... he reads... he sings... he does art and craft... good luck boy... you know mummy will be there for you whenever you need that lil nudge in life... i may appear to be the monster who is always pushing you into something, disciplining you or teaching you but i love you and i think nothing but the best for you... hope that one day you will understand you are my superhero....

oh, what did his sister and lil brother do while mummy is busy with him.... they ran off to the field and wanting to be part of the training session... the lil one wanted the big boys' ball instead of his own plastic ball.  looking at my girl's enthusiasim, she was included in the training... hehee mummy wasn't so happy when she was with a group of boys, while the boys pinch her cheek, she was happily chatting, pushing each other playing and kicking the football when she should be playing princess with a group of girls... oh well... alas for her being the only girl in an environment...she was very happy but she doesn't realise that girls don't play football in mummy's values...guess what mummy did...enrolled her in her Cambridge for Life English just about the same time, oh well....there isn't another timing available for her...

they had gone for a few weeks and i noticed that my lil harimau malaya inched only a lil further into the field by the week...good luck darling... with lots of patience, persistence and perseverence, you will reach the heights...amin...mummy don't expect you to play for one of the leagues i watch on tv but i want you to do all the things boys should do...

thank you my cousin and his wife for having us and paying special attention to my children...i really appreciate it...God reward and bless you for your initiatives and hope at least one of the boys will make you proud. 

if you observe the pics, you will understand my children's ability to socialize as well as their response to new environment...

he is nervous...

he is smiling means he likes...
daddy smiling....

oh, he has got onto the field....

crocked smile...nervous still...

hands at the ears...nervous...tengok si kecil tu...

finger in the mouth...nervous...

good start....

true entertainer....

calling out to team mates? oh, the bigger boys' ball...

starts in a small group... and my lovely girls might be feeling left out...

coach says hello....nope, he likes the coach off the field not on the field...

daddy takes him to play with the boys...

he is fine all alone...

watching...what is going on...
 nervous again....

 hmm...need so much encouragement...

he found a mate....

end of first session...result....mnn1 needs time, mnn2 buldozed through to join the bigger boys and nn needs to be kept off the field...

session two... result....mnn1 has made progress to inch further in his football journey, mnn2 need no nudging but needed to be monitored for safety and nn needs to be taken care of like what a mother hen does....

onto  the field...

 in his jersey...

resting on his personnel coach...

i love this shot...

the only rose...

the boys finds it interesting...

hellooo...kick the ball to each other...mana ade main sorang sorang...

oh penat...

the line ups...

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