'Life is a journey, not a destination' is the famous saying that has inspired me to write, with the hope that i will be able to capture the journey i had taken the last 37 years of my life as well as the years to come. My sincere gratitude to my family and friends who continue to make this journey worthwhile, not forgetting all those whose paths in life crossed mine, indeed, never failing to make the journey a better one.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
a farewell note
Sent: 30 December 2008 10:26
To: Anuar Abdul Shukur; Jaliah Osman; Jamuna Naidu; Khaw Guat Eu; Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal; Mesari Jasman; Mohammad Shafiq Ibrahim; Ruhaida Abdul Razak; Sabaruddin Abas; Shaharudin Karim; Suresh Kanagasundram; Suriati Asmah Bt Abdullah; Yogeswari Kanapathipillai; Khoo Jok Nee; Neezuan Ibrahim; Khairulnizam Omar; Wan Zamzuraini Wan Ismail; Thevindran Kandasamy; Yogeswari Subramaniam; Noor Hanida Ismail; Russilawati Ibrahim; Nor Fadhilah binti Ahmad Asri; Syazila Bustaman; Mohd Faizal Zainal Abidin; Nazib Ngainin; Safiah Alias; Azlina Ali; Normala Rohayu Hj Kamaruddin; Rosyazila Roslan; Norhayatie Abdul Karim; Suresh Kanagasundram; Ahmad Sharipudin Yusuf; Ruhaida Abdul Razak; Sabaruddin Abas; Akmal Abu Hanip; Gan Siew Chooi; Murni Binti Zamri
Subject: Farewell
Dear Friends,
It has been 10.5 years I have served TNB from this department in its many forms and outfit. The journey has now reached the crossroads and it is time for me to bid farewell to all of you, my dear friends, as I will be joining the Procurement Division come 2 January 2009.
To my dearest past and current bosses (includes you too Imraz!),
Thank you is merely words to express my gratitude to all of you….your trust, support, guidance, patience and care are too valuable to me and I will be ever grateful to Al Mighty Allah for giving me such bosses. I am sorry had I ever delivered less than your expectations. I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you.
To all of you my dear friends, Thank you for everything and I am sorry for a lot of things. I will cherish your friendship, care, love….every friendly smile, greetings and that pat on my back when I was feeling down, for being happy for me on a sunny day. I have grown with many of you in the last 10.5 years (some of you have been there like forever). Some of you have been there when I was still single, dating, heartbroken, dating again, engaged, married and now 2 children…that sounds like a lifetime. Had I (I know I have) hurt your feelings and said words that were best left unspoken, I am deeply sorry. If and when our paths cross in the future, may it be welcomed and be a pleasant one. Please keep in touch.
A special note to Kak Russ, you are a Godsend.
Here’s wishing all of you a blessed new year and may all your prayers be answered and may all your wishes come true. May you be blessed with good health, wealth, love and happiness all your lives.
I wanted to send a simple farewell note but as I started typing, I realised that there was so much to say but I could not find appropriate words to express my feelings. Needless to say of the tears that has been rolling down.
p/s: please find me at EWRM’s doorstep during lunch break on Fridays.
Thank you and take care. God Bless.
Lots of love,
Basaria Ahayanutheen
a step ahead in career
one of the questions was why did i apply for a general position i.e. support services being experienced in such specialized area of risk management. my answer was in a nutshell, i want a promotion and i do want to climb up the corporate ladder. the stuff that i had read up earlier was put to use in my attempt to impress the interviewers. maybe i did, i am not sure.
thereafter, i got a call from the hr stating that they found other suitable candidate for the positions that i had applied for. sigh.... AND whether i would be interested in another position i.e. enforcement.... what? that sounds like policeman. i was cool and enquired about the job and as my bosses advised, accept any offer for promotion so that i would not miss on the seniority. i said yes!!!! there were no letter but colleagues from other divisions has been asking me why was i still in ewrm when my name is already in the procurement division's structure. my standard answer was 'there is no letter to the effect' but there was a tinkle in my eyes and joy that cannot be expressed. at least, not yet. one day, i received an email...
From: Rohana A Rahman
Sent: 16 December 2008 12:39
To: Basaria Ahayanutheen
Subject: Congratulation!
Dear Basaria,
Congratulations on your promotion. tqvm
still there was no letter. and on the 19 december 2009 morning, my gm buzzed me and said the letter is here, and there it was, finally, the promotion that i had waited for quite sometime!!!
the journey continues…
looking far into the future....
Friday, December 26, 2008
azim's wedding
muhammad nashwan nasr and his third cousin
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
post natal operation
it was a five minutes thing but was done under GA. me was flat which was great. i didnt know a thing and it didnt hurt much. thanks to MIL who took care of my two little ones for two nights. i missed my children but then was glad that they were in good hands. my children came to visit me... little muhammad nashwan nasr was too small to know what was going on but he was sure glad to meet his mummy. there was a confused look on my little girl's face, and she wanted to manja manja with me, maybe she could sense something was wrong.
the best part of it was the one month MC following the surgery. then, we balik kampung again for me to pantang at my mum's. all of us went back with all the stuff already packed earlier for a month's holiday. it was a real refershing one for me and a chance for my children to spend time with my family, a chance their ummamma, paatis and my siblings and their children welcomed so much. my mum loved the part where she fussed constantly over me, what i ate and did. sometimes when my husband came to visit, we sneak out after the children were asleep. also sometimes left muhammd nashwan nasr under his ummamma's care. it was fun.
this was when nadia nasira got acquinted with my family and muhammad nashwan nasr rolled over for the first time at 5 and a half month!!! the paatis took turns and enjoyed chatting with him while he tries to roll over. my acomplishment during the holidays is to complete a pair of pyjamas for nadia nasira which took exactly a month!!!
it had been fun to have this operation!!! i was so sad to leave mummy's home yet again..... it was indeed a spiritual and emotionally fullfilling time for me.
my treasure
my little darling son
where did nadia nasira go? wherever the laptop is.
spending a quiet moment with her board bookplaying with her cousin, alisha
muhammad nashwan nasr trying so hard to flip over
muhammad nashwan nasr's loyal companions... paati and alisha
syahmi loves laying down with muhammad nashwan nasr
his usual routine
my second cousin, sultania came to send me off to KL
Thursday, December 4, 2008
memories of eid 2008
eid morning in daddy's songkok
nadia nasira has her own telekung
possing with her brother, notice what is in her right hand... mummy's compact powder span
that's THE mummy's son
an emotional moment
mintak maaf banyak banyak, sat lagi buat lagi
another mummy's son
daddy's daughter...not everyday she gets to be on the other side of the gate cheek to cheek, mummy's chellam