Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Puchong Intan and Kg. Teluk Kurin A.
eid morning in daddy's songkok

nadia nasira has her own telekung

possing with her brother, notice what is in her right hand... mummy's compact powder span

that's THE mummy's son

an emotional moment

mintak maaf banyak banyak, sat lagi buat lagi

another mummy's son

daddy's daughter...not everyday she gets to be on the other side of the gate
cheek to cheek, mummy's chellam
... not duit raya but emas raya.... 1gm of 999.9 gold

the two cheeky ladies

with her elderst cousin, syahama, and a box of toys

the eid tradition back at my mum's.... some of the men of the family...big enough to go to the mosque (missing is my dad who was in Sabah)

bbq time, dipaksa volunteer to start the ball rolling

delicious looking..... i marinated the chicken...the resepi is...campak all the rempah in mummy's collection

happy family....little fella is sleeping, he sleeps all the time in ummamma's house

my mummy and my little big brother, boy

my little small brother, zain

the all time romantic couple

the five cucu dara of ummamma

nooriya ka and shamsiah machi cooking nasi goreng cina perencah adabi, i think so

my other machi, junaidah

makan time for the children

syahmi enjoying his bbq chicken

my machan heading the bunga api session

all fun for the kids

ummamma posing while bathuna capturing the moment, not everyday ummamma goes to a bbq party

ummamma, paati and suria ka...of course me too

last kopek

raya at my sister's house

nadia nasira looking at her cousins solat

sayang ummamma

nadia nasira with her cousin's game and watch

where did she learn to do this? bite bite, poor alisya

ummamma singing nasyid in tamil, trying to put nadia nasira and alisha to sleep
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