it was quite sometime since i went back to ipoh and be in my family house. a home that i grew up in... a home that was lite up simply by the presence of my family as a whole through all the bitter sweet memories....
since it was the Labour Day weekend, i told my husband that i wanted to go back to my hometown....there were some hiccupps....but off we went!!!
nadia nasira feeding her brother....
bird watch at grand parents house...
nadia nasira and her syahmi anna
various shots with cousins... syahama, syahmi, syahmina, alisha, burhan, amin and anwar

my special moments.... i am her baby at all times..
muhammad nashwan nasr with great grand ma seithoon and cousins
muhammad nashwan nasr with great grand ma samuna and cousins
lucky to be held by great grandma who is close to a century old (a great great grandma to her daughter's great grand child)...
bedtime at ummamma's house
speacial pose with daddy at the playground
my special moments.... i am her baby at all times..
one of the speciality of going home....daddy buys mummy jasmine...
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