'Life is a journey, not a destination' is the famous saying that has inspired me to write, with the hope that i will be able to capture the journey i had taken the last 37 years of my life as well as the years to come. My sincere gratitude to my family and friends who continue to make this journey worthwhile, not forgetting all those whose paths in life crossed mine, indeed, never failing to make the journey a better one.
Monday, March 15, 2010
aim big
i was once at Dr. Kader Ibrahim's motivational workshop.... i recall him saying that we should not be kedekut in praying to GOD. So, we should ask for as much as we want... there are so much available in His bounties but we should never fail to work towards what we want. Remember to thank Him for what He had allocated for us. . .
the mind has the power of yeilding what we aim for towards us. let's aim big and work towards our dreams.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
SPM results
i was so afraid of not getting good grades. well, i did so well in SRP and i know i didn't work as hard this time around. i have always been getting good grades in all major examinations that my parents had quite a high expectation on me. i was also afraid of disappointing my father (he used to be very strict about our education).
my parents were away...so, i went to get the results with my best friend. i was so thankful that i scored grade 1 with some As. what disappointed me was the few C3s which means had i worked a little harder i would have gotten more As.
my family was very happy with the results and that was all that mattered to me. i got into the university some months later and here i am, reminiscing one of the historical days of my life.
handsome boy
my cheeky monster has stuck a sticker on his nose and posing with his newly found smile for the camera....
he has a look that makes you wanna empathise with him and a smile that would melt your heart. he is very cheeky as well. he loves his mummy and adores his daddy so much. he loves roughhousing with his dad. thank God for that. his sister is his best friend though they get on each other's nerves all the time. he hasn't talked yet but he communicates well with everyone. he bullies his grandmother and the maid. he has a silent bonding with his grandmother and the maid but you can't see it when mummy and daddy is around. he doesn't like the maid being scolded in his presence. he would just hold my hand and pull me away if i ever raise my voice.
he is such an active boy, fights with his sister all the time but would say sorry by kissing and hugging. he loves to snuggle with her first thing in the morning and that lasts only half a minute before he comes to his senses. he wants everything his sister lays her hands on. he loves to sulk by running away to the kitchen or go to a corner and bury his face in his hands while her cries. he loves animals; loves running after birds and cats. he has no sense of fear for any bug or the like. he loves to watch animal planet, thanks to mummy for nurturing the interest. hope he doesn't become malaysia's steve irwin. he loves to make the sound of a tiger roaring ever since we been to the zoo. mummy says, what's that sound? he replies with that sound.
he understands almost all the languages we all speak in the house and would respond accordingly. he loves his books.....would point at the pictures and wants you to repeat again and again what the pictures are. he pretends to cut my finger nails after observing me do it. he knows his basic body parts and when i ask him about his stomach, he would lift his tshirt and then, try and lift my top to reveal my stomach.
he is a toddler but he is barely out of his babyhood. i love this boy like i never have any other.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
birthday present
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
diaper free
she did exactly that. she proudly said, ummamma, nadia big girl. big girl tak pakai diapers. and the rest is history. although i still keep her unused diapers, i told her ummamma has thrown it away. ever since, she has been diaper free.
even at night!!! i have to diligently wake her up to wee wee and she has been very cooperative, though she hates it if it is the maid who wakes her and carries her to the toilet. she would scream i want my mummy. she had wet the bed at night a few times when i forgot to wake her up on time. it doesn't matter coz she still sleeps in her cot convertible bed and i already have a mattress protector.
my son would never sleep in there even for half an hour coz he never did since he was born. he would scream the moment he hit the edge of the cot. i realise that babies need to get used to sleeping in a confined space. it is a good training for them to later sleep in their own bed which comes without railings.
anyway, it feels great having potty trained my little girl. we will get by the tail end in a breeze, i hope... bravo mummy and nadia nasira....
Monday, March 8, 2010
happy 3rd birthday nadia nasira
birthday girl....
i hope you are who i think you are....
sometime last month, i was surprised to know that there is one particular reader from Orono, Maine, United States who arrived at my blog from this link http://www.google.com/search?q=Basaria%20%2C%20ipoh&hl=en&sa=2 and spent days reading my entire blog, which means this person actually looked for me (i made this assumption because i don't think there are too many basaria in ipoh). this person could be someone from my past!!!
i am writing this entry hoping that my assumptions are correct and out of curiosity, i really want to know who this person is. so, if you are reading this, hope you could drop me a line. and to all my other readers, i welcome you to drop a line too. it would be nice to get to know you.....
a scare!!!
it was good being back with my family. my brother also came back with his family so the re-union theme also applied to us not being chinese. we got back on tuesday night and i started work on wednesday. i had a slight spotting and by wednesday afternoon, the spotting has become bleeding. i am a person who listen to my body so, the slightest would worry me. i had always been right about it. i knew what i needed which is a shot to stop the bleeding.
i drove to the a&e dsh and i thought i would just get a shot but i was told that my gynae wanted me admitted. she explained to my husband and me after a scan that the baby is fine and i must be treated with much care or i risk a miscarriage. she ordered me a bedrest for the rest of the month and wrote a letter to my employer that i must only be on light duty.
guess what, i got discharged on friday and went back to my hometown for a bedrest but with the older children around, it was impossible. i was thankful that there were my nieces and nephew back in my hometown who spent a lot of time playing with my children. i also stopped being over protective mother and let my mum and the maid to look after the children. whenever my husband was around, it was much easier to entertain these energetic children of mine.
i was so scared and yet, i push to my limits too.