our division had a team building session in janda baik. it was truly a back to nature 3 days. the team building was quite a success and i am glad i went for the session despite having newly conceived. the fun part is that i didn't have to do most of the challenging activities and everyone was always checking on me. i always had special treatments whenever i was expecting a baby.
i wasn't really sure if i had wanted to go but then since it was compulsory, i was in the organising committee and i am new in the division, i decided i will go. a few days before i was supposed to leave, my little girl developed high fever and the paed prescribed us with only paracetamol and voltaren... he wanted her fight whatever that was causing the fever on her own and we were to only give her the antibiotics on the third day. since my husband was around, i was comfortable leaving for the teambuilding though i know i would miss my children very much.
before you knew it, she developed rashes and on the third day, it was declared that she was having chicken pox. her paed requested us to bring our son for a jap so that he will not have it as well. thank god, he didn't. poor baby of mine. im happy to know that we have got a real good paed and that my husband handled it well with the help of my mother in law. my mother in law is very dedicated with my children, something i am blessed with. i guess, she will never expect that i think so.
well, we broke some of the pantang that my mother would have imposed. but then again, my girl was on doctor's medicine and i don't believe half the things about chicken pox. i believe in keeping the body cool with coconut water, using the neem leave to ease the itchiness, taking bath in water mixed with turmeric and neem leave and the water left in the morning sun so that the vitamin K in the sun that is required by skin is absorbed in the water.
when i got home, it was the tail-end. since i wasn't there for her when she needed me, i took two days off to make up to her. i am sure she barely noticed but as a mother, i felt it most for not being around. im glad she has recovered within a very short span of time as compared to me having while i was expecting her.
oh well, the team building was a good get away as well....we had lots of fun and many goodies to take home. the best part of it all was that i got to bask in the river for a good 30 minutes....
here are some photographs of our team building....
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