there were times in life he was made responsible to take care of me as in he accompanied me to the tuition classes and made sure i was safe. there were times i was his role model in terms of education. he has always be there for me. we have a lot of there were times....
now that we are adults having our own families....he is still my friend, my advisor, my banker (hehehehe) and to many people, my elder brother (he behaves like one too).
the amazing thing in life is that though he will be ahead of me in many aspects, without him realising God will always make him wait for me.... it has always been me first then him.
he is now posted overseas and i will get to see him a few times in a year. it is a sad thing as i wish i could go back to my childhood days and spend more time with my playmate.
this is the both of us...
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