just before he turned two months, i saw his first smile. soon after that, he started babbling and almost screaming. he was able to grab anything and guess where it goes? his mouth. he then found his foot and it goes straight into his mouth as well. like his big brother, he rolled over at five and a half month. at six months he was able to hold his bottle of milk almost steady.
mummy is his best friend and his pacifier. he loves his sister and is always aware of his brother and the latest mischief his brother is able to think off... he is most adorable when he smiles or simply holds your gaze with his big big innocent eyes, looking as if he would want to say something. it is also now that he knows who his mummy is. when i come home from work, his eyes would follow me wherever i go without blinking while merenggek for me to carry him. only then, he would look at everyone else with a victorious look...
i look forward to many more milestones to come...
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