i remember how i learnt to write... so i bought some exercise books for both my preschoolers... i couldn't find time to sit with them and teach them though the intention was there. one day, i heard my daughter complaining that she was scolded by her teacher because she didn't know how to write numbers....
i was puzzled... shouldn't be the case! oh now i remember... reverse writing is an issue to her... i was quite upset with her teacher. what kind of early child education is she trained in? God, i only have three children and i think i am quite alert and observant. when i observe some changes in them or something new about them, i google so that i understand the issue. a teacher should have enough experience to understand that a child will have coordination problem until she/he is at least 7 to 8 years old. it takes practice to finally perfect their coordination.
i decided will be their teacher at home anyway. my children are very positive about it. they look forward to it. our session is after dinner. i always take a que from my girl... when she says it is enough, we end the session. the outcome had been quite positive and mummy is very happy being the teacher.
Good for you!! And how wonderful that you are setting such a positive role model for your kids, but taking on this role!