Wednesday, March 21, 2012

happy birthday dear hubby

hmmm... it is december and it is the time of the year when i am so rich.... alhamdullilah... thank you atta and amma for the education and thank you God for your blessings...

and it is also the time of the year when it is the birthday of my hubby... since my children were still in ipoh, it gave me the time to be with my husband and celebrate the day...

you see... i guess it is my nature to want to make others happy... and as for my husband, i wanted to celebrate his day the way i would have wanted my birthday celebrated... do onto others what you want others do for yourself... frustration is if it is only you who think that way... hahahaha

i am happy doing whatever i do... this is how i would have celebrated my birthday on an average... and this is how i celebrated my husband's birthday... this year, i might want to be more imaginative...

we went to KLCC... this is very important... KLCC is so me as it reminds me of my glorious single days... i love everything about it and what it stands for.... i take pride in being here... but alas the crowd...

we stopped by this place and we got the children lollies...
this is something else that i like about december... the deco and the holiday mood it sets...

now, where is the bday boy? see, i told you i was celebrating my birthday....

we went for a movie... MI... i wouldn't waste time watching just any movie.... while we were buying the tickets, i asked the guy about this movie called ombak rindu. he said each time, it is a full house but he doesn't know about the movie... and its timing... there is one at 11.20pm... i made a mental note... after dinner, i came back to KLCC for ombak rindu and it really felt complete...

and here is where we had our dinner.... you should go too... very siamese... they serve food of the region as well... oh, i so wanna go there again...

i so blend in...

oh the food....

and the desert presentation...

do you get the feeling....whose birthday was it anyway? it was so irresistible as the restaurant was so scenic...

thank you and come again....

by this time, the children were back to give daddy the birthday present... Ipad 2...

they were so enthusiastic...


remember.... he can say yeay, goool... this is how he would look like when he says it...

happy birthday.... God bless you... hope you are bless with all the goodness and wisdom to lead us all... amin...

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