genius aulad had a performance day in conjunction with the World's Children's Day and Teacher's Day 0n 16 May 2010.

of course, genius aulad would not allow parents in so, nadia nasira threw a tantrum there when the teachers from the other centres wanted to grab her and take her into the hall. i told them that i would send her in, they refused to let me in. i really don't understand what is it with these teachers. don't they know that they are strangers as far as my three year old is concerned? how can they make advances to grab her and tell me it is alright? i told them to let go... it was until one teacher came and sweet talked my daughter to follow her in but got turned down as well did she allow me to send her in. once nadia nasira saw her friends, she was quite alright and calmed down. that was when i left her. see, she will be ok if only the teachers would just let us take our time to settle in.

finally, it was her turn. i saw the children from her pre-school entering the stage. i looked for her and i didn't see her. i was worried. i saw some more children entering the stage and there i caught a glimpse of her dress (they all looked alike with the similar attire). i was so happy, touched and proud to see her there waiting to start her performance. tears sprang in my eyes. she looked relaxed and confident. she was looking at the crowd in front of her and she recognised me. there was a confused look on her face. i ducked as i wasn't prepared for a negative reaction. i changed my mind and stood up. i saw her jumping with joy. she was so happy to see me there and even pointed me out to her friend. their performance started. it was a song called 'i love my grandma'.
the children at nadia nasira's pre-school had been practicing for quite sometime already when she joined them in may 2010. nadia nasira wasn't included since she was going through the first day at school syndrome. after a week or so, her teacher called me to say that nadia nasira had been happily practicing with her friends and thought it was a good idea for her to join in the performance. i was happy to know that she has been enjoying herself in school. their color theme was pink dress and white tudung. i was apprehensive about whether nadia nasira will keep her tudung on till the end. we went to look for her tudung, her very first besides the telekung that nanni had sewed. nadia nasira was very excited about her tudung when we bought it. i thought she looked cute in it.
last sunday, both of us went to her 'concert' since daddy wasn't around to follow us. after we had registered, i sent her to the waiting hall where children from all the genius aulad centres were gathered together with their teachers.
i went into the auditorium and was surprised to see that there were so many people. of course, parents and families of 600 children. i was lucky to find a single seat and sat down. i was worried about my daughter whether she was alright, if she will have a stage fright and cry or will she run to me if she were to see me there taking photographs.
considering the fact that she only practiced for a week or more, she followed the movements quite well. i am really proud of her. once it was over, she followed her friends backstage. we were allowed to collect our children then. i went in the hall and her teacher called out to her. she came to me looking so happy. we took some photographs. she was tired and hungry. she wanted to eat the snack her teacher had given to her.

we went home after we both took a peak at the last show on stage with the group raihan. while walking to the car, she removed her tudung for a while and wore it back. she must have been really hot but she didn't want to remove it. she only removed it once we were at home. must have been the influence of seeing her friends wear tudung to school (it is a must for 5 and 6 year olds). it was truly amazing.
i was happy to see that she had enjoyed herself. i don't regret sending her to school this early. i only need to address her separation anxiety in the mornings. deep inside, i don't think i am in a hurry for her to have wings that help her fly away happily from my nest.
i asked her to sing the song and she did. i love my grandma she's always kind to me. she's always there to comfort me. with all my heart i will pray that God bless my grandma in everyway and everyday. i asked her, how many grandmas do you have? she said, one, two. i asked her again, who are your grandmas? she said, ummamma and nanni. (now, i tell her to sing that song to her nanni everyday.)
i was happy to see that she had enjoyed herself. i don't regret sending her to school this early. i only need to address her separation anxiety in the mornings. deep inside, i don't think i am in a hurry for her to have wings that help her fly away happily from my nest.
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