Thursday, May 13, 2010

kelas mengaji

i went for my quran recitation class during lunch time yesterday. i have not gone for sometime either because my ustaz was on mc, i was on mc, i forgot it was a wednesday and etc.

my ustaz is one of the religious officers employed by my company to oversee the islamic affairs and religious activities in the company. he is fluent in arabic as he is a graduate from Al Azhar. he loves to tease me since i am the youngest in his class and also because when i talk, half the sentence is in english.

he used to marvel at my reading the quran especially my pronunciation but always tick me off because i don't read quite smoothly for the lack of reading frequently. yesterday, he asked me if i am expecting and i nodded. he advised me to read the Quran or listen to the Quranic recitation as often as possible or at least let the baby listen to the recitation while i sleep for the baby's brain development. he said you are able to notice the difference in the baby once being born.
i nodded and then, i got irritated as usual with him when he added... read often, not once a year!!! he has always managed to make me laugh.

today, i slept during lunch time with surah al baqara recitation being switched on. when i woke up, the recitation which takes at least an hour or so had completed. oh man... how long did i sleep? hahaha i told the baby.... so you have listened to 2 and a half juzuk of the Quran. you had better been awake....

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