bus driver...
'Life is a journey, not a destination' is the famous saying that has inspired me to write, with the hope that i will be able to capture the journey i had taken the last 37 years of my life as well as the years to come. My sincere gratitude to my family and friends who continue to make this journey worthwhile, not forgetting all those whose paths in life crossed mine, indeed, never failing to make the journey a better one.
Monday, February 28, 2011
playland jusco
when daddy decides to have fun... it doesn't seem to end.... these pics are taken while waiting for dhada latif at jusco ioi mall...

bus driver...
bus driver...
jungle gym
we have not taken the children for some fun activities for so long, so daddy decided that we should take the children to jungle gym and let them burn all their cooped up energy.
the children were so excited. it was daddy and their day. mummy was having her private time with little nazhan nasr. it was his first outing of the like. the children forgot about the world, all they wanted to do was play, play and play. we spent many hours there. daddy must have burnt lots of calories as well running after the two while mummy had her leisure time with the baby.
let's do more of this children. mummy gets the whole evening off at a cosy place like bangsar shopping complex....
practicing his roll overs...
looking ever so loving at his favourite person.... mummy, that is... or rather the milkmaid!
the children were so excited. it was daddy and their day. mummy was having her private time with little nazhan nasr. it was his first outing of the like. the children forgot about the world, all they wanted to do was play, play and play. we spent many hours there. daddy must have burnt lots of calories as well running after the two while mummy had her leisure time with the baby.
let's do more of this children. mummy gets the whole evening off at a cosy place like bangsar shopping complex....
practicing his roll overs...
Friday, February 18, 2011
my new lappie...
i have a new lappie... in my old department, i used a laptop to work on for years before i was transferred to my current department where i was afforded a desktop.
i requested for a laptop as i find a desktop confines me to work only at my workstation. i do think that organisations should allocate laptops for executives above and desktop for non-executives. however, the nature of my job requires me mobile. it also reduces my productivity tremendously. i am so happy today as i finally have a laptop in front of me.
here is welcoming my lappie, hoping to be more productive....
and thanking my desktop for all the services rendered.
i requested for a laptop as i find a desktop confines me to work only at my workstation. i do think that organisations should allocate laptops for executives above and desktop for non-executives. however, the nature of my job requires me mobile. it also reduces my productivity tremendously. i am so happy today as i finally have a laptop in front of me.
here is welcoming my lappie, hoping to be more productive....
God's work of art
moments ago, i said to niza.... sometimes, i think God is so brilliant. what an understatement!
what i meant was when i actually ponder about God's creation (which is sometimes), i'm amazed at its perfection. the thought process put into the design, had it been a human being, was so brilliant, flawless!
simple example.... when i breastfeed (no matter how many litres of water i consumed only moments before), i would feel thirsty as if i had run a mile under burning hot sun. i ponder upon it and i realised that God had designed it in such a way to ensure mothers replenish the liquid lost.
every detail is so thought of and therefore, i believe that He orchestrates this universe perfectly. our humanly mind should be more accepting to things that we have no control over as there is a divine power that presses the right buttons of our moves.
what i meant was when i actually ponder about God's creation (which is sometimes), i'm amazed at its perfection. the thought process put into the design, had it been a human being, was so brilliant, flawless!
simple example.... when i breastfeed (no matter how many litres of water i consumed only moments before), i would feel thirsty as if i had run a mile under burning hot sun. i ponder upon it and i realised that God had designed it in such a way to ensure mothers replenish the liquid lost.
every detail is so thought of and therefore, i believe that He orchestrates this universe perfectly. our humanly mind should be more accepting to things that we have no control over as there is a divine power that presses the right buttons of our moves.
my school song
Thursday, February 17, 2011
muhammad nazhan nasr
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
i'm in love
i am at work, thinking of my love(s) that i left behind this morning... it pains me, everytime i leave them especially in the mornings when they are at their best behaviour.
everytime i look at nazhan nasr, i see those searching eyes gazing at me... when he spots me looking at him, he is all full of smiles. his hands and legs will quiver as if he would run up to me if he could. my heart goes out to him and i, literally would envelop him in my arms and plant tiny kisses on his nose, lips and cheeks. he would giggle, wanting more...
i long to take him into my arms again....
everytime, i look at nashwan nasr, i see a boy with so much energy to build or break the world. everytime i scream...no, don't do that, he gives me that you cannot catch me mischievous grin. yet when daddy gives him the well deserved scoldings, he would reach out to me as if i am his only saviour. his cutest moments are when he tries to have a conversation with me. when he sleeps at night, he loves to snuggle and feel the warmth of my hugs. i wish i had all the time in the world to play with him rather than rushing them into completing tasks and falling asleep. poor babies.
i long to smile and chat with him while the world go past us...
everytime i look at my daughter, i see a young preschooler full of life and enthusiasm. she is such a chatterbox and a parrot as well. we call ourselves best friends. she has her moments when she doesn't want to be my friend anymore. we will always make up during bed time... she would respond to my i love you in the sweetest way. if she couldn't pull out her thumb from her mouth (too sleepy), she would simply nod her head. whenever she has the mood, she will help me around the house. she loves to help me with the dishes but i will tell her to grow taller so that she could reach the sink. she would offer me a solution.... pull a chair. it is a blessing to have a girl as the eldest as she is more matured and understands us better. yet she is still a little girl exploring and understanding life. i hope to be best friend forever but for now i am her mother, absolute law and order.
i long to seat her on my lap and teach her from a to z about everything a girl should know... from painting to sewing to cooking to personal care... almost everything.
i am in love with my babies...
everytime i look at nazhan nasr, i see those searching eyes gazing at me... when he spots me looking at him, he is all full of smiles. his hands and legs will quiver as if he would run up to me if he could. my heart goes out to him and i, literally would envelop him in my arms and plant tiny kisses on his nose, lips and cheeks. he would giggle, wanting more...
i long to take him into my arms again....
everytime, i look at nashwan nasr, i see a boy with so much energy to build or break the world. everytime i scream...no, don't do that, he gives me that you cannot catch me mischievous grin. yet when daddy gives him the well deserved scoldings, he would reach out to me as if i am his only saviour. his cutest moments are when he tries to have a conversation with me. when he sleeps at night, he loves to snuggle and feel the warmth of my hugs. i wish i had all the time in the world to play with him rather than rushing them into completing tasks and falling asleep. poor babies.
i long to smile and chat with him while the world go past us...
everytime i look at my daughter, i see a young preschooler full of life and enthusiasm. she is such a chatterbox and a parrot as well. we call ourselves best friends. she has her moments when she doesn't want to be my friend anymore. we will always make up during bed time... she would respond to my i love you in the sweetest way. if she couldn't pull out her thumb from her mouth (too sleepy), she would simply nod her head. whenever she has the mood, she will help me around the house. she loves to help me with the dishes but i will tell her to grow taller so that she could reach the sink. she would offer me a solution.... pull a chair. it is a blessing to have a girl as the eldest as she is more matured and understands us better. yet she is still a little girl exploring and understanding life. i hope to be best friend forever but for now i am her mother, absolute law and order.
i long to seat her on my lap and teach her from a to z about everything a girl should know... from painting to sewing to cooking to personal care... almost everything.
i am in love with my babies...
Friday, February 11, 2011
withering rose by basaria ahayanutheen
last night, as i thought of a woman in a crisis, the poet in me came alive. i wrote a poem dedicated to her and quickly jotted the gist in this blog so that i wouldn't lose the trail of words. this afternoon, i refined it and submitted to poetry.com for publishing.
the beauty of it all is that words flowed word by word which made it special to me.
withering rose by basaria ahayanutheen
i closed my eyes
staring into the darkness
I saw myself
smiling and laughing
enjoying the silky touch of free air
the image snapped away
i saw my wrinkled self
imprisoned in a dark cell of divine unity
what is left of oneself
when all is ripped off
nothing but nakedness
every juice and blood were sucked out
leaving nothing
but a whimpering self
smothering the pain
like a withering rose
the beauty of it all is that words flowed word by word which made it special to me.
withering rose by basaria ahayanutheen
i closed my eyes
staring into the darkness
I saw myself
smiling and laughing
enjoying the silky touch of free air
the image snapped away
i saw my wrinkled self
imprisoned in a dark cell of divine unity
what is left of oneself
when all is ripped off
nothing but nakedness
every juice and blood were sucked out
leaving nothing
but a whimpering self
smothering the pain
like a withering rose
Monday, February 7, 2011
i love my grandma...
my ummamma (mother's mother) is close to a century old, maybe less ten years. i love her very much. she is gem of a person and i wish everyone will have a grandma like her. i have written about her in the past but didn't really manage to complete writing about her.
on 28th january, while i was at the hospital with my children being admitted there, i was told that my grandma performed zohor prayers before it was time. lately, she has lost her sense of time and will always pray before it was time. it was as if there was nothing to live for except her 5 time prayers. oh yes, there was one more thing... fuss around alisha, her dearest great grand child who was a baby when she finally came to live with my mum, her only child, some 7 years ago.
anyway, in her last zohor prayers, she collapsed while she was in sujud position, laid there until my brother and my niece found her. she couldn't move and was taken to the doctors. there was nothing wrong with her except for low blood pressure and old age. she was then bedridden. when i visited her on the 2nd., she looked so bad, like it was her time. i cried endlessly. i love her so much. my mother in law also came with us. my children salam their great grandmother (big paati, as my daughter calls her).
after i put my children to sleep that night, i sat beside her and spoke to her as if nothing happened. i laughed and teased her. she smiled. i asked her about her sister in law (my dad's mum), she laughed and said something funny about her. i spent the next few days fussing around her, cleaning her room, helping my mum to tidy her, talking to her, carrying her and seating her on the sofa and feeding her. i felt grateful for being able to take care of her even for a few days.
she is such a selfless person and she loves children. what i did was to lay nazhan nasr beside her. he would coo and smile at her. i saw her sitting up to rescue him when rolled over and cried. i knew baby therapy would work. i continued the therapy everyday. i stayed for 5 days and on the last day, when i walked into her room, i saw her standing! i was disoriented. i looked around the room and realised that she was alone. i quickly walked up to her and seated her. i am proud of her. she has a will power of a mountain.
i left that night with a good feeling that insya allah, she will get better. even if she doesn't, at the will of Allah, may He ease her path. she is a great person and i am blessed to be her grand daughter.

she loves to eat sirih... i love the smell when she chews the leaf....

my son, operation chew selendang ummamma...
baby theraphy

on 28th january, while i was at the hospital with my children being admitted there, i was told that my grandma performed zohor prayers before it was time. lately, she has lost her sense of time and will always pray before it was time. it was as if there was nothing to live for except her 5 time prayers. oh yes, there was one more thing... fuss around alisha, her dearest great grand child who was a baby when she finally came to live with my mum, her only child, some 7 years ago.
anyway, in her last zohor prayers, she collapsed while she was in sujud position, laid there until my brother and my niece found her. she couldn't move and was taken to the doctors. there was nothing wrong with her except for low blood pressure and old age. she was then bedridden. when i visited her on the 2nd., she looked so bad, like it was her time. i cried endlessly. i love her so much. my mother in law also came with us. my children salam their great grandmother (big paati, as my daughter calls her).
after i put my children to sleep that night, i sat beside her and spoke to her as if nothing happened. i laughed and teased her. she smiled. i asked her about her sister in law (my dad's mum), she laughed and said something funny about her. i spent the next few days fussing around her, cleaning her room, helping my mum to tidy her, talking to her, carrying her and seating her on the sofa and feeding her. i felt grateful for being able to take care of her even for a few days.
she is such a selfless person and she loves children. what i did was to lay nazhan nasr beside her. he would coo and smile at her. i saw her sitting up to rescue him when rolled over and cried. i knew baby therapy would work. i continued the therapy everyday. i stayed for 5 days and on the last day, when i walked into her room, i saw her standing! i was disoriented. i looked around the room and realised that she was alone. i quickly walked up to her and seated her. i am proud of her. she has a will power of a mountain.
i left that night with a good feeling that insya allah, she will get better. even if she doesn't, at the will of Allah, may He ease her path. she is a great person and i am blessed to be her grand daughter.
my son, operation chew selendang ummamma...
My Kind Grandmother
I love my grandma she’s kind to me
She’s always there to comfort me
With all my heart I will pray
Bless my grandma in every way
When I’m ill she is there for me
With homemade chicken soup and herbal tea
She wipes my head to keep me cool
To make me laugh she acts like a fool
When I’m sad and feeling low
My grandma hugs me and hold me so
Her gentle touch much wrinkled skin
Feels so soothing feels so serene
My grandma helps me learn to pray
With love she teaches me every day
She shows me how to live the right way
And when she’s finished she lets me play
My grandma’s special it’s plain to see
I won’t compare her love for me
In this world and the next,
God I pray
Bless her every day in every way
my masterpieces
during my school days, one of the subject that i least looked forward to was art lessons. it seemed so difficult and i had least interest in it. however, i used to marvel at some of my classmates' art pieces as well as those in reader's digest. i used to wonder what does it take to produce those quality art pieces.
i would hate those art lessons, maybe because i was lousy at it. the defense mechanism was to hate it altogether. over the years, i used to observe and learn some techniques from a few students who were good at it. i signed up to include art as one of subjects in the major examinations. i would spend weekends practicing painting. i didn't have a good visual imagination but i was a good copy-cat. i would copy some of the paintings as part of my practice.
from getting less than 25/50 or boarderline, i gradually got better marks. i think the best i could do was 34/50. in the major examination, i got c3 in SPM and c6 SRP. i grew to love art so much that i hope one day, i will own the best painting materials and go for some lessons. i hope to be able to paint in my retirement age. hopefully, i still have good eyesight...
the one person who know how much i loved art was my mother. on sundays, she will buy me anything i wanted to paint that day from the market. when i went home the other day, i found my art pieces carefully kept by my mum, the oldest is 23 years while the rest was ranging from 23 to 25 years old.
i love them so dearly....

i would hate those art lessons, maybe because i was lousy at it. the defense mechanism was to hate it altogether. over the years, i used to observe and learn some techniques from a few students who were good at it. i signed up to include art as one of subjects in the major examinations. i would spend weekends practicing painting. i didn't have a good visual imagination but i was a good copy-cat. i would copy some of the paintings as part of my practice.
from getting less than 25/50 or boarderline, i gradually got better marks. i think the best i could do was 34/50. in the major examination, i got c3 in SPM and c6 SRP. i grew to love art so much that i hope one day, i will own the best painting materials and go for some lessons. i hope to be able to paint in my retirement age. hopefully, i still have good eyesight...
the one person who know how much i loved art was my mother. on sundays, she will buy me anything i wanted to paint that day from the market. when i went home the other day, i found my art pieces carefully kept by my mum, the oldest is 23 years while the rest was ranging from 23 to 25 years old.
i love them so dearly....
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