on 28th january, while i was at the hospital with my children being admitted there, i was told that my grandma performed zohor prayers before it was time. lately, she has lost her sense of time and will always pray before it was time. it was as if there was nothing to live for except her 5 time prayers. oh yes, there was one more thing... fuss around alisha, her dearest great grand child who was a baby when she finally came to live with my mum, her only child, some 7 years ago.
anyway, in her last zohor prayers, she collapsed while she was in sujud position, laid there until my brother and my niece found her. she couldn't move and was taken to the doctors. there was nothing wrong with her except for low blood pressure and old age. she was then bedridden. when i visited her on the 2nd., she looked so bad, like it was her time. i cried endlessly. i love her so much. my mother in law also came with us. my children salam their great grandmother (big paati, as my daughter calls her).
after i put my children to sleep that night, i sat beside her and spoke to her as if nothing happened. i laughed and teased her. she smiled. i asked her about her sister in law (my dad's mum), she laughed and said something funny about her. i spent the next few days fussing around her, cleaning her room, helping my mum to tidy her, talking to her, carrying her and seating her on the sofa and feeding her. i felt grateful for being able to take care of her even for a few days.
she is such a selfless person and she loves children. what i did was to lay nazhan nasr beside her. he would coo and smile at her. i saw her sitting up to rescue him when rolled over and cried. i knew baby therapy would work. i continued the therapy everyday. i stayed for 5 days and on the last day, when i walked into her room, i saw her standing! i was disoriented. i looked around the room and realised that she was alone. i quickly walked up to her and seated her. i am proud of her. she has a will power of a mountain.
i left that night with a good feeling that insya allah, she will get better. even if she doesn't, at the will of Allah, may He ease her path. she is a great person and i am blessed to be her grand daughter.
my son, operation chew selendang ummamma...
My Kind Grandmother
I love my grandma she’s kind to me
She’s always there to comfort me
With all my heart I will pray
Bless my grandma in every way
When I’m ill she is there for me
With homemade chicken soup and herbal tea
She wipes my head to keep me cool
To make me laugh she acts like a fool
When I’m sad and feeling low
My grandma hugs me and hold me so
Her gentle touch much wrinkled skin
Feels so soothing feels so serene
My grandma helps me learn to pray
With love she teaches me every day
She shows me how to live the right way
And when she’s finished she lets me play
My grandma’s special it’s plain to see
I won’t compare her love for me
In this world and the next,
God I pray
Bless her every day in every way
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