we have not taken the children for some fun activities for so long, so daddy decided that we should take the children to jungle gym and let them burn all their cooped up energy.
the children were so excited. it was daddy and their day. mummy was having her private time with little nazhan nasr. it was his first outing of the like. the children forgot about the world, all they wanted to do was play, play and play. we spent many hours there. daddy must have burnt lots of calories as well running after the two while mummy had her leisure time with the baby.
let's do more of this children. mummy gets the whole evening off at a cosy place like bangsar shopping complex....
practicing his roll overs...

looking ever so loving at his favourite person.... mummy, that is... or rather the milkmaid!

the queen mother and her prince...

can i hold it?

yes....i'm can hold it!

the ever so energytic sister...

always climbing on something...

oh boy...i'm so tired look...
nazhan nasr also went on the slide...

one for the pic....
with mummy as well...

to the cafe next door... i love this flower....

cuppies for the hungry children....


pretty deco

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