here are some more pics of nadia nasira's birthday celebration. this epiosde started with her grand uncle, uncle lateef (nasir's paternal uncle), who was in his way to join his daughter in langkawi, visiting her with lots of ladybird series books and his business partner, an egyption. i arranged for some tea (i am a lousy tea maker but apparently i made the best tea on that day). before he left, his partner recited a doa for her well being. i had secretly wished for a doa recital as part of her birthday celebration. i did mention to my husband that maybe i might want to want to ask uncle lateef to recite doa before the cake cutting. i realised that in life you need to wish for all the goods things because you wouldn't know which of your wishes would come true in what form.

on her big day....she got a bear shapped birthday cake that mummy and daddy ordered to suit the theme. we told her for days that BIG bear is coming to our house.

she was all excited when the A&W guys came, they brought the bear costume in a huge sack and placed it in front of house (in the pic below). we told nadia nasira that the big bear is in the sack, sleeping. you know what she did....she lingered at the porch area though we keep telling her to come in, the would come in and run out and linger again.

When the bear finally came, i wasn't with her. i was greeting some guests who just came. poor baby, she was shocked and traumatised. She screamed and ran to her rescue. She cried and cried. she said...tak mau bear, tak mau bear. nothing you say can console her anymore. she then yelled...bear tido. i guess she didn't realise the magnitute of the word big and she would have preferred if the bear continued sleeping. the A&W guys took off the head to show that there is an uncle in it... NOPE! it wont do.
i told the bear to sit at one corner so that she sees the bear not mobile.... hmmmm...didn't work. so, we had some photography session with the bear and said bye bye to the bear.

she clinged on her dad.... this is a pic of her getting a present for one of the games. she was supposed to look for a car key and her daddy gave her his. hmmmm...would be nice if one day when she grows up to receive a car key....

she was all excited when the A&W guys came, they brought the bear costume in a huge sack and placed it in front of house (in the pic below). we told nadia nasira that the big bear is in the sack, sleeping. you know what she did....she lingered at the porch area though we keep telling her to come in, the would come in and run out and linger again.
nadia nasira could not sleep that night, i guess she dream of the bear, i could hear her say tak mau bear.... bear tido. the next morning, she seemed all right and she told me there was a BIG (with expressions) bear. she told me nak salam with the bear and now and then she kept on talking about the bear.... all the nice stuff. i guess she was alright by then.
i was so happy that it all turned out well for all of us and i was also happy that my mum and sis and her family stayed till quite late. i love to have them around. i really miss them.
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