putting both of them to sleep can be very stressful for me since both wants me to put them to sleep at the same time. having a maid would be useless these times since my children would not settle for the maid. they want their mummy. my son would cry if he saw the maid anywhere close as he is afraid i would pass him to her. i tried many methods but the easiest method was rather expensive. i used to load them in the car and go for a drive and before you know it...they would be asleep.
i had always wanted to read to them before they go to bed. so, one day when cash flow was tighter, i decided not to waste fuel by taking them for a drive. we all settled on the bed with a few story books, i let nadia nasira choose a book and we had lots of fun...
the moment i announced that it was time to switch off the light and sleep...nadia nasira protested. she wanted to have more fun though she was already sleepy. i had to threaten her, coax her into being silent and fall asleep otherwise, her brother wouldn't be able to sleep. then, there were demands like nadia nak air, so i have to get her the water tumbler. looking at this, her brother would also ask for his water tumbler. when the both of them settle down, we would lie side by side and fall asleep after a doa, thank you Allah and a story.
last night was the third night and it was tough as well but i enjoyed my time with them. this time, daddy was home and guess what, he was the first one to fall asleep... the downside of this whole episode is that i would also fall asleep with them and there goes dinner and everything else that i could have done after they sleep...
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