Wednesday, November 21, 2012

confinement diet

i am sure many would be wondering how to go about confinement diet... i guess i will share with you some valuable information that you can practice in addition to your mother, mother in law, step mother, sister, sister in law, auntie, neighbour's tips...

my source of information is my mother, grandmother, sister, mother in law and the list goes on...add google to this list!

- bath with real hot water...
- drink ginger tea made with a teaspoonful of dried ginger powder and boiling water.. add some rock sugar, if you want...
- drink smashed and boiled red dates water (remove the pulp)...
- drink extracts from blended fresh turmeric (remove the pulp)...
- drink/eat fenugreek in whatever form you can... i put a teaspoonful in my mouth and drink as much water.  some would make a tea from dried blendered fenugreek...
- eat spring chicken cooked with post partum mixed herbs (get it from indian grocery shop) and ginger/garlic/fresh turmeric/galanga
- eat spring chicken soup with the same as item 4 but add dried longan (get it from the chinese sensei shop)...

i shall add to this list soon...

the best thing is to google and read up...decide on a method that best suits you and your lifestyle...i prefer the grandmother's way for my mom does it that bonds the mother and daughter like no other period in a lifetime...

don't forget to keep yourself warm, engage the services of midwife for a good massage (not those relaxing massage for there is no value for money) and rest well.

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